Successful ADAS field testing at KIAPI,
Korea Intelligent Automotive Parts Promotion Institute.
ADAS ONE’s R&D teams continuously endeavor to develop technologies that respond to the industry and customers’ needs .

Autonomous Driving
Field Test
Deagu Field Test
Our products are based on software algorithms which enable the development of computer vision and deep learning-based sensing technologies; the enablers of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving technologies. With these technologies at hand, our company develops sensing products to build an environmental model of the vehicle’s surroundings in order to guide drivers in avoiding imminent dangerous situations. Thereby, we offer our customers autonomous driving products with the following key functions:
ADAS ONE Core Technology
Embedded Vision
Advanced Driver
Assistance System
(ADAS) Technology
Emergency Braking
CNN based
Deep Learning
Embedded vision Technology
Embedded vision technology is a combination of embedded systems and computer vision technologies which enable devices to understand and interact with its surrounding environment. The embedded system is typically a GPU or CPU microprocessor-based system, which uses digital processing and intelligent algorithms to interpret meanings from images or videos.
AEB Technology
Autonomous Emergency Brake (AEB) is an in-house developed technology;
which combines sensors and brake controlers to help prevent collisions.
The technology system identifies potential frontal collision objects
for a full and autonomous control of the brake system.
ADAS Technology
Internally developed software algorithm, it represents the core
technology for smart and safe car solutions such as LDW, HMW, TSR, and FCW.